Seriously y'all! This it that good. Great. Awesome. Amazing. Scrumdiddlyumptious!
Now I make a pretty good pulled pork. And it's easy. I will try and post the recipe soon. I make it with root beer! So when I saw a brisket recipe with Dr Pepper I knew I would probably love it.
I don't even know if the Dr Pepper honestly made that much of a difference. But the 9 hour low slow cooker did it's thing! It was the perfect kind of moist and tender!
I would have NEVER NEVER NEVER in a million bazillion years thought to put brie and brisket together! That's why I have pinterest though right?
So, brie and brisket quesadillas are to die for. I mean, TO DIE FOR!
I didn't follow this recipe very close at all. It was a crazy day and I just needed to get dinner on the table. The full recipe calls for you to make a mango salsa. I am not a fan of fruit in my barbecue. I cheated and just picked up a nice bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's Sweet and Spicy barbecue sauce and used it instead!
So basics of the recipe are
-brisket rubbed in salt, pepper, chili powder and minced garlic
-put it in crock pot
-pour in enough Dr Pepper to almost cover it
-set crock pot to low for 9 hours and do your thing
-cut off fat and shred brisket with 2 forks
-take your favorite tortillas and fill half of them with some brisket
-pour that sweet baby rays on the brisket
-put some slices of Monterrey jack down on top
-slather other side of tortilla with brie spread
-fold it into a half circle
-sear both sides in cast iron skillet
Eat the heck outta that thing!
I made it with black beans. But I forgot and left them on the stove.
I was a little preoccupied eating one of the best things EVER!
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